I-Xpress Group stands as a beacon of global excellence, headquartered in Romania


We believe in building bonds and strong relationships through shared experiences. using our heritage to constantly raise our standards as we take on new challenges.

We firmly believe in the concept that a business is only strong as its employees. I-Xpress Group is a shining example of the beauty and strength that emerges when a company embraces diversity.

Grow your Study career

Our mission is to serve as a bridge that connects universities worldwide with a diverse pool of talented and ambitious students from every corner of the globe which helps the universities foster cultural exchange and global understanding.

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Editors Choice

top 5 countries to study in abroad

Proin leo massa, pretium in sapien et, ullamcorper sagittis mauris. Vestibulum quis ipsum dolor. Vivamus vel odio nec magna laoreet consectetur. Morbi vitae massa imperdiet ...
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Suscipit gravida sem, eget tincidunt ligula. Vivamus faucibus vulputate magna ac aliquam. Pellentesque pulvinar tincidunt tortor, sed finibus velit consequat scelerisque. Morbi tempor libero nisi, ...
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc pharetra nibh enim. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam venenatis metus augue, et ullamcorper lorem consequat sit amet. Sed ...
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